Monday 27 July 2015

My Inspiration!

               For a Man to become a successful one, he definitely needs an inspiration it neither be a book nor a person. Inspiration makes him to achieve higher than his goals. Inspiration boosts the energy and confidence with in the person to achieve a step higher in his career nor life. By this time you all have come to an idea that i was writing about "My Inspiration" as the title itself sates that. Yes, I do have an inspiration in my life. Though i didn't achieve nothing in my career because i was just 20 years old and to be fact i started my earning just four months back.  Though i didn't see Everest in my life i have got more than it, it's nothing but "My Father".

           Yes! He is the one, who had taught me values!, Who had given me life, Who had given me  responsibilities, who had given every thing on this earth that which i need. Some times its more than infinity. Though he had given me every thing he still says " I had given nothing to you, only the time gives u". But I doesn't agree with him. Because he is the one who had taught me what is right and what is wrong, he is the one who had taught me to be responsible towards our family and to our society. From him along with blood and genes i had even took his name and his Fame in society. 

          He had given me good values to live in society but he is not an Inspirational Speaker, He worked 24 /7 for money with which he can fulfill my needs but he is not an Businesses Man, He Corrected My mistakes in every step of my life But his not a Teacher above all He gave me a Life to live and he is my Father, whom i call as My God, The reason For Existence. 

             And now What can i do in return to my father, Should I earn more Money and give it back to him, No! because he didn't do just for money, Need I Should Go for other countries and do better job No, because he want his son to see in a better position where he could give life to others. After Thinking for many years i had found an answer to give him in return for his sacrifice nor Responsibility . It's  nothing but my Life.  what can i  give more than my life, to the one  who had sacrificed his sleep, food, entertainment, money and above all his life just to make me happy. 

            Dad, There is nothing equal to u on this earth. Even the God becomes small when compared to you. Mother gave a birth and u gave me Life, And now it's my turn to make You feel happy and to say proud that he is my son. Thank You Dad ! for every thing, there is nothing more for me than you . I'm Proud to say i am S/O Rama Krishna and dad your my Wealth, Health, Heart, Soul.

                                                                                                     To My Loving Dad...
                                                                                                                           Your Son

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